Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) - 214

Published: 2023-DEC-13

Published by: Christopher Schoeder

Source: ChatGPT Prompt

EDI 214 refers to the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) document known as the Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message. It is a standard format used in the transportation and logistics industry to exchange information about the status of shipments between trading partners.

The EDI 214 transaction set provides detailed information related to the transportation of goods, including carrier and equipment details, shipments status updates, estimated and actual arrival times, and any exceptions or changes that may have occurred during the transportation process. It helps to improve communication and coordination between carriers, shippers, and consignees.

The EDI 214 document follows the ANSI X12 EDI standard and contains structured data elements that facilitate the automated exchange of information. It enables the parties involved in the supply chain to track and monitor shipments in real-time, ensuring timely and accurate delivery.

Overall, the EDI 214 plays a crucial role in streamlining logistics operations, enhancing visibility, and enabling efficient transportation management by providing up-to-date information about the movement of goods throughout the supply chain.